Type: Socio-Economic Journal
ISSN 2959-8702
Issue No.: Vol-01, No. 01 & 2
Frequency: Biennial
Published on: December 2023
1st Publish: December 2023
Md. Rezaul Karim, Ph.D.
Link: rc.gov.bd/jrc
About the Journal
Journal of Rajshahi College is a peer-reviewed bilingual (English & Bangla) journal. Manuscripts submitted for publication in this journal should be printed in double-spaced one side of A4 size paper with generous margins, not exceeding 10,000 words (expectedly within 6,000 words) using British spelling. In the case of the Bangla manuscript, the author(s) should follow the Bangla Academy promita spelling. Interested author(s) should send a soft copy of the article to the e-mail of the editor along with two hard copies by mail. Notes and references should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper and placed at the foot of the page. Tables and figures should be numbered separately in the manuscript, such as Table 1, Table 2 or Figure 1, Figure 2, etc., with running headings. The author may follow any internationally recognized referencing style, but the journal expects and follows the APA or Chicago styles.
Important Notices & Events
Access to and Quality of Primary Education of the Children of Santal, an Ethnic Minority: An Exploratory Study in Godagari Upazila under Rajshahi District in Bangladesh– Khan Md. Mainul Hoque
Application of Constructivism, Active Learning and Formative Assessment in the History Classrooms: A Study on Rajshahi College, Bangladesh– Md. Rezaul Karim & Mst. Rabiya Sultana
Exploring the Existing Situation of Education Management Information System Facilities at the Government College Level in Bangladesh– Sushanta Roy Chowdhary & Sheikh M. Nurullah
Effectiveness of Platinum Metal Complex in Cancer and Tumor Therapy: A Review of Existing Literature– Md. Sajib Hossain & Md. Kudrat-E-Zahan
Indexing Crop Diversification of Northwest Bangladesh : A GIS Approach– Md. Zahirul Islam
Temporal Distribution of Rural Periodic Markets in Bangladesh: A Study on Nawabgonj Sadar Upazila of Chapainawabganj District– Md. Kamruzzaman
Leadership Style and Teachers’ Performance at Government Colleges in Bangladesh: A Comparative Study of Teachers and Principals’ Perceptions– Sushanta Roy Chowdhary, Md. Seraj Uddin, Mojzammal Hoque and Md. Mominul Islam
বাংলার প্রত্ন-প্রযুক্তিঃ প্রসঙ্গ পোশাক ধৌতকরণ– মো. শাহিনুর রশীদ
শিলালেখ-তাম্রশাসনাদিতে প্রাচীন বাংলার গ্রাম-স্থাননাম ও সমাজ– মোঃ আব্দুল মতিন
মহাকালগড় থেকে রামপুর-বোয়ালিয়াঃ রাজশাহীর স্থান নাম পর্যালোচনা– মোঃ শাহ তৈয়বুর রহমান চৌধুরী
মধ্যযুগে বাংলার ভাটি অঞ্চলের অর্থনৈতিক উত্থান-পতনঃ একটি ঐতিহাসিক বিশ্লেষণ– আসিফ জামাল লস্কর
মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্তের মেঘনাদবধ কাব্যঃ আধুনিকতার শিল্পস্তর– নূর সালমা খাতুন
A manuscript concurrently under consideration by another journal or press or is published elsewhere will not be considered for publication in the Journal of Rajshahi College.
The author(s) of a paper will sign a declaration to the effect that (i) s/he writes the article/paper submitted for publication and takes public responsibility for its content; (ii) the author(s) will bear full responsibility for any issue of plagiarism regarding the paper (iii) the content of the paper has not been published or submitted for publication in any other journal or press; and (iv) s/he accords consent to the editorial board/Rajshahi College, Rajshahi to publish the paper.
Two copies of books along with the review manuscript should be sent to the editor.
Advisor & Editorial Board
Chief Patron
Professor Md Abdul Khaleque
Principal, Rajshahi College
Professor Md. Oliur Rahman
Vice Principal, Rajshahi College
Md. Rezaul Karim, Ph.D
Associate Professor of History, Rajshahi College
email: rezahis_rabia@yahoo.com
Associate Editor
Sushanta Roy Chowdhary, Ph.D
Associate Professor of Management, Rajshahi College
Professor Wasim Md Mazbahul Haque, Ph.D
Head of the Department of Economics, Rajshahi College
email: wasim.mazbah@gmail.com
Professor Md. Seraj Uddin, PhD
Head of the Department of Management, Rajshahi College
Professor Md. Rabiul Alam, Ph.D
Professor of Zoology, Rajshahi College, Rajshahi
Abu Noman Md. Asadullah, Ph.D
Associate Professorof Islamic History & Culture, Rajshahi College
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At a Glance
Frequency: Biennial
Type: Social Science Journal
1st Publish: December 2017
Professor Wasim Md Mazbahul Haque, Ph.D
Associate Editor
Muhammad Jakir Al Faruki, M Phil
Nusrat Zerin Anny, M Phil