ICT Training Centre

রাজশাহী কলেজে আপনাকে স্বাগত | এমন এক বিদ্যাপীঠ যেখানে স্বপ্ন বাস্তবে রূপ নেয়।

Context of IT Training

Skills, employment, education and human development appear to be indicators of how prosperous a country’s future citizens will be, and to ensure that, global resources are explored through information technology. And if the young generation moves forward based on the desired culture, education system, skills and ambitions of that country, then it is the way to build a sustainable and developed society. But culture, education system, skills and social expectations are constantly changing and this change is an inevitable part of society. In view of the new demands on the path of globalization, world exploration is needed to keep pace with the changes and its inevitable vehicle is information and technological knowledge. Through the evolution of time man has continuously conquered nature, his vehicle through new knowledge was knowledge. The proof of this is that human civilization is on the verge of succeeding

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the 5th industrial revolution from the 1st industrial revolution. The difference between the 4th industrial revolution and other industrial revolutions is not only spatial; Rather, it is an inter-communication system through which remote knowledge can be easily extracted. This revolution based on information technology has made the world close and interdependent. Through this, we face collective difficulties and receive benefits as residents of the same village. Essentially, we must be IT-enabled to take advantage of the vast potential of the world. The main difference between the fourth industrial revolution and other industrial revolutions is that the first, second and third industrial revolutions replaced only human physical labor; But the fourth industrial revolution will replace not only physical but also mental labor. Student Capital is a new term coined by Christopher Quarles, a college math teacher. He first used this suffix while researching as a PhD fellow at the University of Michigan in the United States. He defines student capital as “having skills and resources and not being food insecure, homeless and ill.” Originally from the University of Michigan, researchers have developed a new way to measure academic achievement by looking at the total effect of all the characteristics and abilities students need to succeed in educational institutions, that fact can be considered as a powerful and effective proof for the success of the current changing education system. In this context, on the eve of the parliamentary elections held in 2008, according to the ‘Charter of Change’ declaration of ‘Digital Bangladesh by 2021’ announced by the then Awami League President and the current Prime Minister Honorable Sheikh Hasina on 12th December 2008. The educational institutions continued to move forward in view of the work started by the elected Sheikh Hasina government in the field of technology expansion. Rajshahi College, which ranks first in consideration of various dimensions, continues to play a leading role in moving forward. Since 2012, Rajshahi College has took up the program and connected all academic departments with the help of EasyCollegeMate interactive software, servers and optic fiber to store and use the data required by all the students. This program was successful in 2013. As a result, Rajshahi College’s admission and form fill-up for examinations became online based. Later, management of various activities became easy and accountable and Rajshahi College got national recognition by receiving the award of Best ICT College in Digital World Fair-2017. Receipt of this award further enhances the sense of duty and responsibility of the college. As a result, the college authorities started taking various programs in their own budget and initiative in some cases. In continuation of which this ICT training started for 21 days every month with college students.

Objectives of IT Training:

With the aim of meeting the needs of the ‘4th industrial revolution’ announced in 2011 and creating a digital Bangladesh, the ICT training course named ‘Self-Initiative and Self-financed ICT Training Program’ is being conducted with the aim of achieving the following objectives:

1. Application of technology to improve students’ skills;
2. Use of ICT to increase employment;
3. Enhancing education through the use of technology;
4. Application of technology to develop students as future human resources.

From June 6, 2016 in the Christian calendar year till date, it has been possible to provide training to about 6000 students through a total of 44 batches.

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২০২৩ সালের ৩য় বর্ষ স্নাতক (সম্মান) পরীক্ষার ফরম পূরণ ২০/০১/২০২৫ খ্রিঃ থেকে ৩০/০১/২০২৫ খ্রিঃ পর্যন্ত। ফিসের পরিমান জানতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন।

সার্বজনিন পেনশন স্কীম “প্রত্যয়”-এর শুভযাত্রা ও প্রাসঙ্গিক বিষয়ের স্পষ্টীকরণ

২০২৩ সালের অনার্স ১ম বর্ষ পরীক্ষার ফরম পূরণের বিজ্ঞপ্তি

২০২৪-২০২৫ শিক্ষাবর্ষে একাদশ শ্রেণিতে ভর্তির প্রাথমিক আবেদন সংক্রান্ত বিজ্ঞপ্তি

২০২১-২০২২ শিক্ষাবর্ষে প্রিলিমিনারী টু মাস্টার্স (নিয়মিত) কোর্সে ভর্তি কার্যক্রমে অনলাইনে প্রাথমিক আবেদন ফরম পূরণ সংক্রান্ত বিজ্ঞপ্তির আবেদনঃ ১৭/০৫/২৪ থেকে ২৯/০৫/২৪ পর্যন্ত।

২০২১-২০২২ শিক্ষাবর্ষে মাস্টার্স (নিয়মিত) প্রোগ্রামের ভর্তি কার্যক্রমে অনলাইন রিলিজ স্লিপ আবেদন সম্পর্কিত জরুরী বিজ্ঞপ্তি

উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক অভ্যন্তরীন পরীক্ষার ফলাফল দেখতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

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ICT Training Centre

স্ব-উদ্যোগে ও স্ব-অর্থায়নে শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য ICT প্রশিক্ষণ কোর্স

Continuing Courses

Name of the Course : Basic ICT Course for Students-1
Place : Digital Lab, Rajshahi College, Rajshahi
Batch Number : 35th Batch
Training tenure : 14 working days (40 hours)
Starting date :
Course Co-Ordinator : Mohammad Mohiuddin,
Contact No.- 02588854409

ICT Training Services

Basic ICT Course for Students

Inhouse/Refresher ICT Training Program for Teachers for 5 days 30 hours.

Basic ICT Course for Students-1

14 days’ (40 hours) training program for 2nd and 3rd year students

Basic ICT Course for Students-2

21 days’ (60 hours) training program for 4th year hons and Masters Final year students.

Course Co-Ordinator

Mohammad Mohiuddin

Mohammad Mohiuddin

Course Co-Ordinator (Librarian, Rajshahi College, Rajshahi)

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